To not understand the nature of things,
to not understand the nature
of one's self, is to
wander aimlessly in the illusion.
If a Human Being doesn't embrace
his own power or
understand from where it comes,
he will define himself with
external things and with every
new thing his attachment deepens.
Once his identity is solidly enmeshed
with the material world,
his fear begins leading him,
causing patterns of negative expectations.

The idea of change becomes abhorrent
and he becomes suspicious,
as he knows his identity is threatened
by anything temporary or expansive.
He will see people, situations, circumstances which are
a vibrational match for what is emanating from him, his Vibrational Tone
and matching his fear,
he will draw them right into his path.
Although, I am not a religious man,
I do believe having awareness
of my spirituality has been essential in understanding
life, responding in a productive way and loving myself.
I believe there is no ultimate, big, dramatic goal or prize for suffering enough or sponsoring enough, for living badly or living well, yet perhaps, a simple satisfaction for having lived fully.
Just as there are no neutral thoughts, all thoughts are creative, there is no standing still, nor is there regression. One cannot be less than he was before We are drawn forward by the expansive nature of our being, by the involuntary part of us which, much like our bodies internal organs operating outside of our conscious awareness, do so without our permission or guidance.
This aspect of our being draws us into situations and circumstances to ignite, uplift, inflame or inspire us into embracing the expansion into which it has already gone. It forces a response from us.
However, with an understanding of the way it works, we could work to align the two aspects of our being, bypassing much of the struggle, creating more pleasing and enjoyable contrasting moments and simply living in awareness so our choices would be founded in Self-Respect, out of which blossoms Self-Love.

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