27 July 2015


I'm realizing so much of the human experience is lived in FEAR; We govern with and in FEAR,  we work in it, travel in it, eat in it, we even pray in it, in fact, religion teaches it, insisting we be fearful.

Somewhere in humanity's development, we have collectively decided FEAR is better than LOVE.  We have accepted it is stronger than LOVE.

Since there are only the two emotions to which everything we are, do, and think, is tied, FEAR seems predominate in our choices. Especially, our first response, knee-jerk response to nearly everything is defensive and derogatory.

Conservatives are the most deeply rooted in FEAR among us. They are literally frozen in FEAR.  The Conservative mind was traumatized in the 1930's with the Great Depression and then WWII, but then came the automated 1950's.  Things were wonderful; Classes in their place and for the most part happy with it, plenty of money to be made on automation, the appearance of society being morally upright and clean, but it wasn't to last.
By the end of the 1950's, change hit the establishment hard and has been pounding it ever since. This is why when Republicans talk about society and the legislation they want to pass, it seems right out of the 50's - because it is!  Their evolutionary growth was stunted by their FEAR. 

Each generation expresses it's FEAR with statements like, "what is this noise, our music was so much better," "they don't make things the way we used to," wasn't Teddy Roosevelt a great president, don't make 'em like that anymore."  I think they really believe nothing has improved, for nothing would have, left to them.

Liberal thinking Progressives like, The Founding Fathers (and Jesus, for that matter), The Dalai Lama, Sam Cooke, The Beatles, Big Mama Thornton, Bessie Smith, Janis Joplin, The Rolling Stones, Stephen Levine, and many others, push the Collective Consciousness into the future; into a new way of seeing, of being in the world. 

Human beings LOVE a challenge because it demands we grow.  It is our nature to expand and to continue to expand.  Hazrat Inayat Kahn, the man who brought Sufism to the West said, "All that is ever going on is our being and becoming." Expansion is inevitable. LOVE is expansive, it makes us vulnerable, and through that vulnerability we get a glimpse of all we are and all we came here to do.  This is Vision.  We are gifted with sight of the larger picture, so we can release what has already been, as it is the staircase to where we're going.  If you were climbing stairs to reach your bedroom, would you stop and camp out on the fifth step?  Or the tenth?  No, you would keep going.
The basis of our existence is expansion. You are expanding all along the way, your emotional body's capacity to feel until you realize your true power, your true essence is LOVE, you are eternal, there is only one Spirit and there is nothing you cannot overcome.

Accept the LOVE you are, for to deny it is to cast aside the gift of this experience. Release the past, it's over.  Embrace the change you keep calling forth, simply by making the different choice or the one which conflicts with your preconceived notions, not the easy one. Strive to be a better human being than you were yesterday.  In all things, look for the evidence of LOVE's presence, for it is there.  Choose to be happy, it keeps your vibration up to speed with optimistic outcomes. LOVE yourself and watch the world change!



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23 July 2015


Your LIFE is your Masterpiece! 

It's the greatest expression of your creative spirit and you spend your entire physical life in the production of it! YOU are the central character of your story.... no one else.... YOU! 

When someone isn't aware that everything we need is within us, there is much investment in external things. We seek pleasure to fill the space where our happiness should live, but we haven't made friends with ourselves so we don't understand we're making this choice. We actively choose against ourselves and the anger builds but still not understanding, we look around us for someone on whom we may justifiably project that anger. 

I experienced this whole dynamic many years ago and it got my attention in a harsh and dramatic way. I didn't get what kept me mired in self-doubt and victimized at my own hand, since I had not admitted that my problem was internal.  I projected all of that venom onto specific and well-targeted people who outwardly seemed to deserve it, but in fact, I derided them for what I would not face within myself. Seeing my insecurities and my unwillingness to hear or see or listen in them, I condemned them. 

The irrational belief that by destroying them I would purge the pain in my own heart and banish the feelings of inadequacy from my inner experience, was very active in my vibration. I looked around at all the things in my experience that were falling apart and it hit me so hard it was impossible to ignore any longer. I was the common denominator of my life. 

Once this realization settled over me I went to everyone and apologized for the hell I had caused them. The reason I bring this up is that people need to drag you into their story to validate it if they don't value themselves. Value is replaced by drama, but NONE OF IT IS ABOUT YOU! Just know that if someone attacks you or is nasty to you, they are in great pain. This doesn't mean you need to hang around and be emotionally vomited on, but don't engage by fighting with them or being nasty in response. That thing you want to say so badly, don't say it. The satisfaction will be all too brief. Once you respond in like energy, you're hooked into their story and you've left yours. 

Focus is key, so stay focused on that which brings you joy and allows you your freedom.  Stay in your own story and create the Masterpiece you meant to create all along.