23 February 2013

Robert Madden Abstract Photography

Life lovingly offers us contrasts in physical reality urging us to look deeper at our own abilities to assess, absorb and overcome difficulty. When we reach for strength that we, at first, simply can't believe we possess, we expand in our capacity to love ourselves. When we love ourselves the Universe opens to us. Why? Because when we are actively engaged in deliberately seeing and loving ourselves, there is no resistance in us. When we find something or someone to love, anything, while we are loving we align with the Essence of our True Nature. In love we cannot hate and in joy we cannot condemn. We must cultivate the ability to align so that eventually this becomes our Nature in both aspects of our Being.











All Material © 2010-2013 Robert Madden Abstract Photography 

20 February 2013

Robert Madden Abstract Photography

This Blog is a Continuation of My Original Blog, Joyous Expansion 
Welcome to my way of expressing what I see and how I see it! 

All Material ©2010-2013 Robert Madden Abstract Photography