10 December 2014


 Unique Fine Art Photography

Self-Aware does not mean 
 Self-Love is not conceit. 
In fact,  conceit is the physical 
self attempting to generate
 love for the self. It is seeking 
something it has forgotten it 
already is at it's core and is 
looking for evidence of this 
Divine Love in the shallow 
and mundane surroundings, 
 trinkets, and distractions 
of the material world.


Desperate to feel the Power of Self-Love, which is alignment with the Higher Self or Divine Love, the physical self becomes obsessed with searching outside of itself for this feeling.  The ego, in its fear based
existence, uses the quest for Romantic Love as a powerful motivator in an effort to find someone to reflect back the love desired. The reason this is so often dissatisfying, is that we cannot get from another what we don't possess already.

An honest acceptance, 
without provisions, 
or clauses,or excuses 
- a genuine love.
This is True Love. 
This is
Unconditional Love.

 All Material © 2010-2014 Robert Madden Abstract Photography ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

22 November 2014



Hey Friends, 

My computer was out having a makeover, but he's back and so am I!
However, I'm very backed up on editing, since I didn't stop shooting, even when I didn't have anywhere to put them or work on them. 

So while I'm getting caught up, 
I thought I'd post some of my 
favorite images from posts gone by.
 Please enjoy and I look forward
 to sharing my new finds 
with you very soon.







 © 2013-2014 Robert Madden Abstract Photography