All hardship and suffering
is directly related to attachment.
Wanting something overmuch,
or rather needing someone
or something to stay or needing either
to leave in order to maintain
or achieve happiness, cultivates unhappiness.
When beliefs, repetitive, consistent thoughts,
create and maintain patterns of familiar discomfort,
something, anything done differently,
causes a ripple of disruptive energy
to force change on even the deepest of patterns.
Hardship blossoms in unhappiness.
Unhappiness is born from becoming
comfortable with unacceptable situations,
circumstances and relationships,
originally accepted, against intuitive guidance,
for what is believed at the time,
necessary to bring about a desirable result
through sheer perseverance on the same course.
However, the flaw in this thinking
is that acceptance of what is unacceptable
immediately causes misalignment
away from that which is attempting to be attained.
Now the entire rationale behind the action
becomes like trying to reach a specific destination
by driving down the wrong road.
No matter how forcefully, carefully, quickly, slowly
or otherwise travelled, it will never produce
the desired result, as the road
is not aligned with the destination.
When something feels unacceptable,
choose again, searching for a feeling of a matching
vibration or more simply put,
a feeling of ease.
Liken it to putting a lid on a jar;
if the grooves are not lined up appropriately,
the lid cannot fit properly, nor does it go on with ease.
The feeling is an indication of alignment
or non-alignment with the energy
of the original intention
and the energy being encountered.
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