19 June 2015


One's character is a measure of the sincerity with which he embraces his values. It is the cornerstone of one's Self-Respect.  

RACISM IS IRRATIONAL HATE! HATE IS MENTAL ILLNESS.! It is poison to the body and causes the soul to live in darkness. I just can't imagine hating someone, anyone really, based on the color of their skin or ethnic background. It's blatantly retarded. Literally! It holds the hater hostage, preventing the development of one's emotional capabilities, keeping one's mind from expanding into love and joy, for one cannot love and hate at the same time. It keeps one separated from the Higher Self and causes the body to begin to devour itself, for we are all connected and to hate another simply means you don't love yourself very much. It continues to amaze me how many people don't have any idea why they're so unhappy, when their minds are engaged in depriving others of happiness. If you are intent on depriving anyone of anything, you are in the vibration of deprivation so you will experience what you are wanting for another. Hate breeds physical illness and deprives the hater of alignment with his Divine Nature.

©2015 RMAPhotography 

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