I love humanity, I just don't care much for the
inherited opinions, judgements or primitive ideas people
cling to instead of rationally developing authentic critical thinking.
I believe we are capable of such greatness, such love and generosity
and yet, we are so monumentally lazy.
Intransigence, which is paralyzing fear,
seems to be our primary shortcoming.
It's apparent in our acceptance of a military budget,
which if cut by 75%, would still be greater
than all other countries combined.
The thing we're so afraid of isn't outside of us.
without questioning the world around us.
We accept it, developing beliefs about ourselves based on what
we're told by those caring for us.
We form beliefs about the way the world is and
how we need to be, based
on actions and consequences reflected back to us
by those same caretakers.
Meanwhile we are simultaneously forgetting
what we really are and why we came forth.
We forget our own inherent power and accept the idea
of real power being in an imaginary being
or in the accumulation of material things, spending a large portion
of our lives waiting or looking for something to save us.
Whichever it is, the power base is certainly not within us.
We settle into a rut of belief or trench of thought which is
passed to us by those who, well-meaning or not, create the
grooves in our minds of what is possible,
what is right or righteous, and ultimately, what is acceptable.
Initially, we those accept those beliefs because we see adults,
primarily parents, as God and Goddess, infallible and all-knowing.
Of course, when we're older, we realize this isn't true or even fair,
but by then, we are already running those messages through our minds daily, sometimes hating ourselves
for believing them, keeping us trapped in them.
There is nothing to be saved from except the thought that we need saving.
We came here Divinely equipped to do everything we wanted to do
when we decided to come forth.
©2016 RMAPhotography