26 May 2016


It's such an odd choice we make when we actually desire the exact opposite of what resentment produces.

It causes one to see through a veil of misperception, 

in which one becomes heavily invested.

Even though releasing the instance or interpretation of the instance, which is the basis of the resentment, 
 would free up one's time, cause a positive vibrational shift within him and allow him the freedom of a fresh perspective, he would still be compelled to tell the negative story, actively looking for reasons to support his wounds.

This is where Self-Knowledge is important and Self Control, essential.  If he can control his mind, keeping it focused on love, light, joy and generosity, his ability to see and perceive would be unhindered in the present and untainted from the past.

However we humans, would rather give up everything, including our lives and well-being, with an irrational determination to reject facts, deny patterns of behavior, or recognize simple truths.
We choose misery over relief, bondage over freedom, intolerance over love, ignorance over understanding, violence over peace.  
What rational being would make such choices?  The answer is simple. One who doesn't love himself, nor possess any Self-Respect. To choose against one's own well being is an indication of a profound sense of not being worth the effort....in essence, the lowest form of self esteem.

We would hold someone else responsible for the unhappiness of our choices, blaming them silently for something we want to be big enough in our character to overlook, yet actually aren't.  We blame them for our self neglect in cultivating unconditional love while convincing ourselves that our feelings of undesirability and anger
are because of the actions of the other.

They aren't. These feelings are generated by us, toward us, relating to our own inadequacies and Self-Perception. We must release the judgement of ourselves so we can release our grip on others. We must release others from a standard which we cannot even meet. We must set aside the idea of our inherent need to be punished 
and stop punishing ourselves.

Say to yourself until it becomes something you find yourself naturally thinking; I AM GRATEFUL FOR WHERE I AM 
AND I'M EAGER FOR WHAT'S COMING! You will naturally begin to Love Yourself and you'll begin to notice opportunities you were blind to before.


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