04 April 2015



 That Which We Call God


What we have called God, that feeling like there is a protection over us, is our recognition of our most Idealized Self. We know it exists because at our center it's what we are.  Source is Unconditional Love and we cannot be separated from it. Although, when we doubt it's presence, fear takes hold, and since the basis of fear is assumption, it grows with every moment in which we indulge it. We assume to know what another is thinking because their actions are read by us through our filter which says this action means one thing, based on our past experience. We convince ourselves, strangely enough, that this person has malice or at least ill intentions toward us and act according to this belief. A belief is just a thought you keep thinking, so through repetition, you build up a scenario in which there is no fact.  Irrational as it may seem, people will base their opinion of someone on the word or experience of someone else. We are filled with fear because we have bought into the illusion and have come to believe we are separate from our Source, which can never be. At times, it seems, we can't find the force of our being, nor can we summon it, but if you can quiet your mind enough, you can hear the Divine Presence at your center. You are Your Own Saviour. There is none, but you. Happy Easter!



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