24 August 2015


You can't get something from nothing, especially if you haven't given it your attention until you've already seen signs of it being in trouble.  I'm talking about relationships.  By the time one has noticed cracks in the foundation, one has been absent for too long and small resentments which are nearly impossible to even address, much less work on honestly, have remained buried in our hearts, weakening the foundation of respect, on which the relationship is built.  

 We tell ourselves we can let a little thing go here and there, but if only we would let them go.  Instead we begin to build a case in our heads with evidence we believe we see, but its an illusion produced by our own feelings about ourselves.  We make assumptions, act on them and then justify those actions righteously, even when we discover we're wrong. 

This dynamic happens in work relationships, friendships, romantic relationships, family relationships, as well as, the relationship to ourselves, our belongings, and to the world around us.  Ultimately, we see and respond to the world as we see ourselves. 

When a statement's validity reaches this far into the heart of so many aspects of the human condition, affecting so much of our physical world, it's an indicator of the amount of importance the statement carries in our Collective Psyche, or Consciousness.  Yet, for all of the times it is played out in our lives, we neglect to put the instances together.  We say it's all random, or even worse, God's Will.  We believe all of these instances cannot be related as they involve different things, people, places and circumstances, however, there is at least one common thread.  Us.   

Each of us is having a completely unique experience, within a Common Experience.  We read articles, books, take seminars, diet, exercise, shop, buy homes, cars and vacations in an effort to understand how to "Get it Right", but is there any such a thing as getting it 'right'?  Many of us spend our lives worrying about things which, in truth, won't even come to pass.

I'm sure by now most of us understand, every relationship has it's struggles and challenges.  Some of us decide to persevere because the one we are participating with, has the same conviction and you both realize it's worth it.  Nothing is difficult enough, overwhelming enough, or seemingly impossible enough to dampen the light of commitment, the oath of souls, who recognize each other, respect that innocence, and honor the expansion created between and because of the relationship. 

Then there are those who don't consciously know what any of that means.  They are on a singular journey, which in no way diminishes them or the value of their path.  There is value in both and both are equally beneficial to the overall process. 

Everyone derives power from the choices made.  What empowers one person, could be dis-empowering to another. Some people are empowered by entering a relationship or situation, another by staying, yet another could find empowerment in leaving.  Be clear though, we all do what is important to us.  If it is important, we will find a way. 

Imagine the world if, when we were kids or young adults, we were observed by someone who had a sense of themselves, so there wasn't a need to have us be other than we are, and their intention was to help us develop into what best served us.  Intellectual avenues and opportunities would be made available to each person as he or she is encouraged in the direction of his or her natural curiosity.  Each person would approach working with excitement and would produce that which the whole needs to continue to evolve and prosper. 

When I daydream of the kind of place this world could be, I can see it so clearly.  I've always been told I'm a romantic optimist, a dreamer, but unrealistic.  I cannot be alone in my desire, in my understanding of how it's possible or in my vision of how sweet, how perfectly safe and wonderful an environment humans could have made on this planet. 
This is where people roll their eyes at me, let their ego discredit the notion as "LIBERAL" and resign their minds to the impossibility of it.  Then I think, maybe they're the ones who are correct. When I die, I'll probably be like, "oh fuck, I thought that!?"    

Well at least I lived in joy and brought relief to others.  No regrets in choosing love. <3 span="">

©2015 RMAPhotography 


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