Daydreams are important and should be encouraged. When we daydream, the attention to 'what is' is broken, allowing the mind to see from a different perspective. A new vantage point often leads to solutions we might not have considered when we were focused on the extent of our wrongness.
As we free the mind from the shackles of linear thought, we imagine, more honestly and usually without the constraints of our past experiences, a life more accurately aligned with who we really are at our center.
Before we become acquainted with ourselves, we walk around in this shell created for us, by those who populated our lives in the formative years. We accept the version of ourselves told to us most frequently and most fervently. In this shell, we often feel there is no happiness for us. Others get the lives they want, but it's not for us. After all, we are surrounded with those who created the shell in which we live, and in our minds, unconsciously, we are giving them the power of omnipotence.
We not only accept their version of us, but actively agree with this imitation, cultivated from the perception and opinion of someone who may not be considering our best interests, but instead, setting up an environment to validate what they have accepted. You see, if we get too established in the shell, we become extremely invested in what those around us believe. If the beliefs of those in our inner circle, deviate too much from our own, the shell then gets called into question. This can be devastating, especially in the situation where someone has resigned himself and his life to the shell created for him. He will have deep, destructive feelings of resentment, dissatisfaction and loneliness.
The person will think its because someone has betrayed him by not embracing his beliefs or his way, however, in reality, he feels betrayed because of his own betrayal of himself, not anyone else. He will feel let down and despondent, because of the surrender of his autonomy, coupled with the realization of living a lie in a shell of someone else's making. This person will feel none of his choices are his own, as he is always fighting internally with the feelings of nothing being right, mainly, because nothing is in alignment.
Once we become friends with ourselves, we are able to align the two aspects of our being; this physical aspect of who we are, with the eternal Higher Self. Our awareness becomes a predominant factor in making the choices, reflecting our self worth. Look around you. Those you've surrounded yourself with are an indication of how you see yourself and your relationships, an indicator of your self respect. The way you treat yourself is a reflection of your self love.
Ultimately, for everyone, life is a solitary experience. We are born into this physical world alone, we travel our distinctly unique path alone (even if we are surrounded with other people) and we depart alone. We perceive from our center outward, so no one ever has the same experience as you or me. Even going through the same circumstances, the experience will be uniquely interpreted by the one seeing.
This is why, when daydreaming, we are actively indulging an experience with which we want to be aligned. The daydream is all about us and how we want, what we want. There is no one to tell us it cannot be, or it shouldn't be, until someone disturbs the dream and you snap back to the shell.
The most important thing in one's life is how one feels. Our emotions are not a concrete, factual statement of who we are, but rather, an indicator of where we are going. Emotions are guidance. The way you feel is an indicator of whether what you've chosen is in alignment with where you want to go and who you want to be, or not.
The empowering thing about this is, we are presented with new opportunities to choose differently in every moment, according to how we feel and how much we are willing to listen to our guidance. Cultivate Trust, Love, Willingness toward yourself and Non-Attachment toward everything else.
©2015 RMAPhotography
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