16 October 2015


I believe, in human nature, there is a built-in inclination to expand. We strive to be better, to improve our condition, to expand on what we are already capable of doing and being.

However, what is the pivot point where we actually become better? What makes us better? Religion? Hardly. Societal structure? Nope, that's a disguise for our fear.  Achievement of Excess?  Conceit and greed can only leave us lonely, flat, emotionally starving, wanting something more. No, loneliness breeds desperation, and desperate vibration, being repulsive energy, pushes everything positive away from it. The disappointment of the appearance of being unlovable is the root of depression, distorting our every action, making the effect of our causation, a lie. 

Often we look at a result with astonishment and wonder, how did this happen? This is not what I was trying to do!  Perhaps not, but it IS the vibration which was emanating from you or it wouldn't have occurred.

I have a friend who just watched the relationship he was in, dissolve in his hands, as a sugar cube would in a stream of water.  Very quickly, his hands were empty. I was around for a good portion of the break-up experience and I must say, I cringed when I saw him doing something I used to do, thinking it would facilitate a reunion, when, in fact, it repelled the ex-boyfriend so hard it was visible and awkward. 

When someone is having the conversation with you about breaking up, they're gone already.  They've had this conversation, albeit one-sided, for months, playing both roles in his head, over and over.  The fact of this conversation happening at this level, means he probably has already rented an apartment and there is no reconciliation possible, at this point.

For some irrational reason, when the passive one (one being left) realizes the active one (one leaving) is really doing it, he desperately (not meaning to) begins to express how deep, unbreakable, eternal and unconditional his love is for the active one.  I know, somewhere inside the passive one is this voice saying to tell him, perhaps he doesn't know.

Trust me, he knows and doesn't care any more.  All he cares about is getting away from this life, which he built with someone, but decided on his own to dissolve. At this time, just put your hands in your pockets, stop talking and graciously, let him leave. There is no other action that will turn out well.  At least, in doing this, you will keep a sense of integrity, grace and dignity. 

I marvel at the games we play with ourselves. We don't want to play them, yet we become so invested in an outcome, we will betray our own interests, our well-being, as well as, our good sense, attempting to obtain something which doesn't have the capacity to provide, that which we are giving up our self-determination, to attain.

So, what makes us better?  Our choices make us better. It's only in the process of making them, seeing them active through our interactions, then making a more refined one yet again, even as we are still absorbing the consequences of the previous one, which allows us to see under the veil of this reality, drawing closer to the LOVE that we are at our center.




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