11 June 2016


None of us are the same.
We don't see anything as another sees,
for we see through the filter 
of our lives, from our center, outward.
Since no one has our experience,
no one processes what we see 
in exactly the same way we do.

We spend much of our lives trying 
to mimic that which is deemed desirable 
in others and accumulating what society
values in an attempt to fit into
 the world we see around us.

We didn't come here to have an imitation 
of someone else's experience.
We came with distinctly unique desires,
which only become more personalized
as we experience life through our perceptions, 
assumptions and deductions.

The attitude we choose to embrace regarding 
any given subject, situation or circumstance,
shapes our perception, affecting the expression 
of our experience.  It draws to us those who
would validate our beliefs about ourselves,
the world around us and life in general.

In this way, we create our experience, 
contributing to an upward spiral
or a downward spiral, determined
by where we focus our attention.
There are no neutral thoughts. 
All thoughts create.


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