29 July 2016


There is nothing like having a place to make a home, 
a place to feel safe, nurtured, loved, even if only by one's self.  
Every person deserves a place of privacy, 
of personal sanctuary.
A place to rejuvenate, contemplate, align, create; 
Where one's spirit is completely 
to be, to express honestly.  

An environment where thoughts are allowed 
to spring up, excite, stimulate, expand, and finally create 
without judgement or the negative energy of doubt.  Doubt drowns out new ideas before the idea has a chance to accumulate enough energy around it to cause the idea to become an entity, having it's own power, drawing to it everyone and all circumstances necessary to bring it forth into physical reality.

One kills alls sorts of opportunity he never even realizes are swirling around him.  In his reaction to life, he establishes that which he agrees to see, keeping anything better than that which matches his own self image, away from materializing.

One's relationship to the self is reflected back to him from those with whom he chooses to interact,
through the way in which he participates.

Strong relationships are formed from shared values,
not shared interests.  
Two people may enjoy golf, 
but value completely different things.  
They may have fun together, 
but if there is no common value of a spiritual life, of social consciousness, of personal development, of community or family, there will not be a strong foundation for a shared life.

Love yourself enough to honor, respect and appreciate your own values.  
Harmony starts with acceptance of one's self. 
The quality of one's experience is perfectly aligned with one's relationship, with one's Self. 

"If it does not come from yourself,
where will you get it?"


We come equipped with everything we need for this journey.


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