The world is changing and just as it has since it's creation, the Universe is expanding.
There is no law you can make to stop this process. There is no one to kill to stop this process. If you're uncomfortable about this, then seek to understand it, because this is your job. It's not the responsibility of everyone else to stop and wait for you to get up to speed, especially when your willful ignorance is held as a badge of honor. You will get left behind.
Even now, as you struggle to return society to the last time you felt safe, it is futile. That was then, it was fluid then too, but in your intransigence, you didn't notice. It cannot ever return. The moment is over, so if there comes a time which is similar, it still cannot be the same.
This rigidity of attitude is grounded in immense paralyzing fear. If it continues unaddressed it will reveal itself through unbridled, irrational violence, in the extreme. This makes us old fast.
The signs of aging don't appear on your skin or in your body first. These conditions are just indicators. It's in your mind first. The skin, as well as the rest of the body, is a result of your thinking, a mirror of your beliefs about you, your body, and the societal timetable into which many people become invested.
If you hear yourself saying to the sound of today's music, "Music today is just a lot of noise and vulgarity" you are likely turned off. When we stop embracing or even trying to hear or appreciate what is coming forth now, we have become stuck in the past, where we thought things were better.
Humans love to complain, but think about it. There has never been a time when well being has been greater than now. There has never been a time when peace has been so present, or more opportunity, more information (which is power), more technology (which makes more availability and access to everything). Believe or not, there is less violence than there ever has been in proportion to how many humans populated the Earth. We just hear about it now, when in the past, information was slower to reach us.
We could fix all that ails us if we would let go of those dead beliefs, which fuel hate, intolerance and cruelty. Well being abounds and it's ours if we think it is, but if we don't believe it's there, we focus on all that's wrong, developing cynicism and a negative outlook which in turn, keeps well being at bay.
Everything is temporary, Change is constant.
Life is experimenting, choosing what we like and don't
of that experience, then adjusting and doing it again.
Those who understand the fluidity of life,
embracing circumstances and situations loosely,
will have a joyful, exciting ride.
Those who can't, won't. Release the past
and allow the stream of well being to carry you along.
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