What if it's all a lie? Religion is Mythology. It is mankind trying to understand power which he feels, but cannot accept is within himself.
The unwillingness to even consider you've been played for centuries by those who desire control above all else, in itself, indicates on some level it's already crossed your mind. The thought, so profound as to shake the very foundation of all you've built a life on, accompanied by the realization of all the lives you've ruined or made harder, is so unbearable to consider as to cause you to seek to concretize your beliefs through institutions of law and to silence, even kill if necessary, those who would not confirm your beliefs by taking them as their own.
You need others to agree, to accept your faith, when in truth it is a desperate attempt to solidify the 'story' as belief for yourself. If you can make others believe it or at least accept it, you can keep the lie in motion, not having to face yourself or accept how you've been duped.
If you succeed in legislating your particular 'story', making it the official 'story', so others are forced to accept it, your delusion expands and you can keep up the charade.
You think this is power. It is weakness; to know you have mistakenly adopted a belief system, which is itself, an adaptation of another civilization's mythology and yet, do not possess the courage to accept this truth, is pitiful. It is no wonder you are afraid most of the time.
Christmas is a beautiful story about the Birth of Innocence and how Love Prevails over hardship. It tells us when we give birth to that which is within us, through humility and grace, the world bows before us. It says there is no power greater than love, nothing that love cannot overcome if we call it forth.
There is no Savior coming.
Our Savior must be invited to emerge,
for He/She is within each of us.
Wake up to your own
Our Savior must be invited to emerge,
for He/She is within each of us.
Wake up to your own
©2015 RMAPhotography
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