28 November 2015


"Lies make everything complicated"
Don Miguel Ruiz

 Lies are so prevalent in our society we've come to accept them.  Everyone tells them.  In a recent study, it was determined the average person tells at least 3 lies in a 10 minute conversation.
From Santa Claus to Christianity, from the Easter Bunny to the Tooth Fairy, we love telling lies.

We grow up being told lies about nearly everything, while being instructed, under threat of punishment, to be truthful.  We want to punish those we catch in a lie,  so what must our children really think?  It's confusing.

Well I say, if you want the truth, it's your responsibility to be able to hear it without losing your mind or without making the other person's life miserable. We must cultivate listening and learn how to absorb information without personalizing everything we hear. 

©2015 RMAPhotography 



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