15 November 2015


We must stop holding others to a standard, which we, ourselves, cannot meet.  ALL of this religious nonsense is killing us and destroying our species.  If your religion or your religious leaders are saying you must KILL ANYONE or cause anyone hardship, THEY ARE FALSE PROPHETS.  Actually, they are egotistical liars and they are deceiving you to fulfill their own fanatical fantasies.

There is honor in stretching one's ability to understand, to try to embrace that with which we are faced, and there is also dignity in holding one's self in tenderness, in grace, in recognition of how far we have come. In witnessing the response to the Paris attacks, I am overwhelmed by the love humanity has for itself. 

Cultivating the ability to see in love means we must find it within to look for the love born out of every situation.  We cannot change what has happened, but we have the opportunity to show we are not lost or thrown out of balance by the acts of frightened, lost, disenfranchised people who have lost faith in the beauty of life.  

My hope is that we honor those who were killed, not with vengeance, but with understanding.  These people were duped into throwing their lives away and taking more with them, to placate a handful of sick individuals using another person's personal crisis against them.  This is the worst of humanity, but we have seen it in every despot who has ever held a parade for himself, parading and boasting of his ability to tear apart a peaceful world to satisfy his own desire for power.  This is weakness.  There is no power in it.

In honor of those whose lives were shattered, derailed, or otherwise needlessly taken, I send thoughts of love, healing and grace.  We will find our way through this, just as we have done with every despicable attempt to crush the Soul of Humanity....TOGETHER!  Do not let these guys destroy the bond of our humanity. WE ARE LOVE, in fact, it's ALL WE ARE!  Let's show each other the way back from the carnage and not let them diminish us by turning us into them.

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